Wednesday, 4 January 2017

WWE: The State of the union

I literally cannot for the life of me understand how WWE has got so bad, is it lack of competition? Arrogance? The fact that a wrestling company is ashamed of the wrestling aspect? I don't know, there was a time in the mid 2000's when I would have complained at the lack of in ring action, but at least back then interesting angles were being written and new characters created who got over.

These days we get more in ring action but the writing is just horrible, am I the only person here who is fucking stunned that the big angle dominating Raw and the world title picture is "are Jericho and Kevin Owens still best friends?" I mean what the actual fuck??? You are seriously telling me that with 2 super talented guys like this they couldn't come up with anything better? Holy crap shoot me now, or better yet shoot the wrestling business because its fucking dying!!

This is what happens when you have years and years of hiring writers who have no connection to the wrestling business to tell your stories. I am sorry but unless you are a former wrestler, manager of a wrestler, or former promoter you have no business, NO FUCKING BUSINESS writing a damn thing on a wrestling show, I am not gonna rock up at the Southampton General hospital and expect to be able to perform brain surgery just because I work for the NHS, and you know what if I did the patient would fucking die and you know why? Because my skill set is different and I have no business in an operating theatre, the same way these fucking moron writers have no business anywhere near a wrestling show, stick to writing dick jokes for sitcom pilots and stop killing the business I love you god damn wastes of skin.

You know what's also dog shit, that you have the most talented wrestler in the world today and one of the most talented wrestlers of all time AJ Styles taking on and losing to James Elsworth. JAMES FUCKING ELSWORTH!!!!!!!! I don't have anything against the kid himself but fuck me, this is the equivalent of the WWE  pissing in the face of every fan who has ever truly loved this business. I bet some people are getting all self righteous now when reading, fuck you princess and think for a moment, cast your mind back and try and imagine Brett Hart, Shawn Michaels, Stone Cold, Bill Goldberg, Sting, Rick Flair, Harley Race or any legendary world champion you care to think of and imagine them being asked to do this? It wouldn't fucking happen because back then as inane as some of the stuff that happened was they understood you don't demean your champion and your world title that way I mean holy shit, this isn't rocket science for fucks sake.

There's probably some moron out there right now drooling down his vest saying "well the titles don't matter any more its the entertainment thats they selling point" don't give me that bullshit, I mean are you fucking retarded? If the title isn't important anymore then why the fuck should any fan bother watching your product, this is a simulated sport  right, which means everyone should want to be champion, if they don't then someone please tell me what the fucking point is to all this? That's the same as watching a Rocky film where he doesn't care about winning he just wants to make jokes, walk around and look like an idiot before being knocked put by some skinny little punk with no chin. Its stupid the people writing this stuff don't have a clue what they are doing.

We are talking about Cena, Undertaker, Big Show, Goldberg and Lesnar at Wrestlemania, because the WWE haven't been able to create a new star in 10 years!! They have the talent but its like they are either intentionally booking these guys to not be over, either that or there's a brain damaged monkey somewhere with a pencil writing all their creative, fuck me its horrible. At this rate next years Mania main event will be a triple threat match between Undertaker, Hulk Hogan and Rick Flair in the 1st ever event streamed live from a nursing home!! The only WWE programming worth watching right now is NXT but you bet your ass Vince will find someway to ruin that.

If the Wrestling business was a dog we would have taken it out behind the shed and shot it in the head a long time ago, something needs to change and change soon!